
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Scriply - Study and blog the Word of God.

Found an interesting sight for mixing Bible Study and Blogging. I think I will have to check it out.

Scriply - Study and blog the Word of God.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Missional is Not in the Dictionary.

OK so I found this video (my friend Brian Eberly had a link to it on his blog) and I agree with its description of what the church has been. I even agree with its basic definition of Missional. But I still kinda cringed when I watched it. I had to stop an contemplate what my problem was with the video. Here's the video by the way.

If you watch it you can see that they have done an excellent job. I really think it is a valuable video. So when I begin my rant please don't think I'm one of those old codgers that thinks that everything new is bad and why don't we just stick to the old ways because they are tried and true. That is not what I am all about. I love change. I embrace it. Some say I am addicted to it. Change is not the problem. My fear is that the um ... Emergent... ah I mean Missional Church movement seeks to replace an incomplete somewhat anemic model with a new incomplete somewhat anemic model. And in order to sell their new model (although Doug Pagitt and others would probably blow a gasket if he heard me accuse the movement of having a model because they all want to be a non-linear no-model kind of movement)they feel compelled to deconstruct, ridicule and devalue everything the church has been in the last 100 years.

My view is simple. A) Missional is not a word in the dictionary. They made it up. B.) They made it up because they want to distance them self from what they call the consumer church, the fundamental church, the modern church and a dozen other terms they have used to describe the past. C.)In order to prove they are different they have disparaged everything the church has done in the past. D.)Therefore they promote a very good idea of training people to go out into the world (just like Jesus did) built on a synical holier than thou foundation of deconstruction.

Frankly it is the same thing that Evangelicals did in the early 20th century when they distanced themselves from mainline denominations. The accusation (among onthers) was that the mainline churches were steeped in an empty social gospel that promoted works over grace. OK so maybe the mainline church, because of its decaying values and straying from the foundational truths of the Bible had become a church that tried to prove thier value though feeding the poor, caring for the homeless and the like. Maybe they were doing the right thing for the wrong reasons. But Evangelicals could not allow themselves to be accused of being like minded with liberal mainliners so they stepped away from the poor. Some might say the did the wrong things for the right reason (though I am not sure that is entirely accurate). Either way they blew it. They made it wrong to serve the poor and focused entirely on reaching the poor through a propositional gospel that lacked the hands and feet that it had in earlier generations.

Now I sound like Pagitt attacking the evangelicals. My point is that we became too unidimensional because we did not want to appear like we were liberal. If this new Missional movement (or whatever we are calling ourselves today) continues on the path they are on they will become just as unidimensional as the Fundamentalist Evangelical church they have tried so hard to distance themselves from. This video is a prime example. It is an awesome depiction of where the church has been and where it needs to go, BUT it leads the viewer to believe that there is only one way to be right. Their way.

I have a couple problems with the Missional model. First the model assumes people going out but never talks about or deals with the fact that eventually people need to be brought to church. I believe they need to be brought into a church where they can belong before they believe. Second the are real big on the "earn the right to share your faith" idea. That means that they are good at washing feet, feeding the poor and even talking about spiritual things like beauty and art an stuff. I know one Missional guy who had a great exposure in the community with non believers and in 4 years never told any of them how to become a Christian. Consequently none of them did. So the video touts the ideals of sending people out into the community to be the church but never deals with who to actually do the work the church is called to do - make disciples.

So what would I have done different? Simple, make the arrows two way.

The modern church has focused on Come and See ministries (Just like Jesus did) and Missionals want to focus on Go and Tell ministries (Just like Jesus did) Both are right. Both are excellent ideas. I contend that both are dependent on each other. A healthy church is multidimensional in their approach to ministry. Frankly churches like this have been around for a long time. I have personally been a part of churches that have continually trained members to Go and Tell and at the same time have an excellent Come and See ministry.

My own model (the inclusive model) is all about training students to Go and Tell while having a place that students can invite their friends to Come and See. In student ministry it is very important to have both functioning together. Some students will eventually get to the point where the are good at Go and Tell. In the mean time they can invite friends to come and see. If I just sent students out into the world to be the church in the neighborhoods or on their campus then I begin to worry. I worry thinking about me being the church in my neighborhood. What if I am the only church they ever know. I cringe at the thought. But If I go and tell my friends and they listen and want to hear or see more then I can bring them to a come and see ministry.

That is the balance I want to see. A video that, I think better shows what I am trying to say is this one:

But even in this video I find it lacks a clear Come and See element

Thursday, June 10, 2010

How about Moving on Now

OK so I admit that I have been in a rut lately. I can't tell you when the last time was that I looked at the future and felt positive. Probably when I was moving to Alaska.

But for the last several months I look ahead and sigh heavily. It drives Cathy crazy. I found this cool article on (Did I Make the Right Decision?, Christian Careers, Jobs, Employment) today and it really helped. In a way it just says "STOP WHINING" (which is always useful to hear) so maybe I should listen. I need to stop acting like God is going to give me a road map with my path marked in red for me. It just doesn't work that way.

To me the most important part of the article said:

Life is short for all of us, and if any of us had a chance to do it over again, we would probably make some decisions differently. I know I would. But that choice is not given to us. Too much introspection about the past makes us tentative about the future.

I like that. "Too much introspection about the past makes us tentative about the future."

Maybe that needs to be on my tombstone.

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Life's short - Don't let it Mess with Your Head

Gary Coleman I ran into Arnold at the airport ...Image via Wikipedia

Gary Coleman in dead.

Seems kind of odd doesn't it? It feels like only yesterday that he was the star of Different Strokes. His death makes me feel old.

In fact every time someone famous dies I feel just a little older. Not to mention every time I see an actor get older I feel sad. I saw Joe Pesci in a movie the other day. The movie was made a couple years ago and Joe looked really old (balding, gray, wrinkled - the whole nine yards). That made me feel old. Seeing Harrison Ford as the old Indiana Jones or Sylvester Stalone as the ancient Rocky and ancient Rambo was really sad.

The truth is it makes me sad because it reminds me that I am not getting any younger myself. I want very much to live forever. My preference would be to be forever young. I know that it ain't going to happen. One day I will be old and decrepit like Sly then I will be dead like Coleman.

The important thing is to acknowledge these as natural feelings but to remember that my life does not end when I die. I know that death is the threshold into eternity. We will all one day be raised from death. For those who know and love Jesus and have accepted Him as their lord and savior we will arise to a life of joy in the presence of God. For the rest a life of sorrow and separation from God. So when I see someone like Gary Coleman die my concern should not be for myself but for them. My heart breaks to think that anyone would die apart from Christ.

I do not know if Gary knew Jesus. I know he had a hard life - we all do. I know he must have had opportunities to receive Gods gift through Jesus - we all do. I just don't know if he ever accepted the gift. So now I reflect on my own life and say I want to continue to offer this gift to everyone I know so that when they die I will not have to wonder where they will end up.

Who knows maybe one day I will have the privilege of leading Sly or Harrison into God's kingdom. Some one needs to why not me.

Life is short so I shouldn't let it go to my head. I should let it go to my heart and be vigilant about why I am here.

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Friday, April 30, 2010


Isn’t the universe cool. Well in this case … hot. But, these images or our sun just remind me how impossible it is that we all exist. When forces like this exist in the universe the fact that we have not all been destroyed proves that God exists. What could frail humanity ever do against such forces? Nothing! But, with God, the maker and creator of all things, on our side we exist and are safe.


SDO opens its eyes and sees our star like never before Bad Astronomy Discover Magazine

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cathy just got a good job. w00t!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Carry on My Wayward Son" - The One Girl Version

Carry On Wayward SonImage by Stuart Chalmers via Flickr

She does a good job. Kerry Livgren would be proud (the rest of Kansas would probably sue her but oh well).

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The best thing I can do any day is remember that perfect love casts out all fear.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

God Calling

2 Timothy 1:8-10

So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God, 9who has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, 10but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.

Undeserved Calling
I have often thought about the fact that I have received "undeserved grace" when God saved me through the work of Christ. It is a major theme in scripture and a truth that I am greatful for. But just now I noticed the paring of call with salvation. "...has saved us and called us." Now I am handicapped by my lack of training in greek and I lack the greek tools I normally use but when I read it here I can't help but wonder if the saving and calling are both tied to "... a holy life." Did Christ die for us so that we would be saved only or did he die for us so that we would live holy lives.

I must admit that I am the first to stand up and say that sactification is something that should not be shackled to justification. That is that our salvation (justification) is not dependenta on the way that we live (sanctification). I believe that when a believer opens his heart to Christ salvation is complete - they are fully justified. Sanctification on the other hand is a little more complicated. On one hand a believer who opens his heart is also fully sanctified - but not yet. Sanctification is one of the hardest things for we mortals (who are stuck in time and space) to understand. From God's perspective I am sure that it is simple. We are fully sactified to God because He is outside of time and space and we are in his presence as a holy offering - part of the bride of Christ - now and always.

It is true that God knew us while we were still sinners. It is also true that God will know us when we are fully sanctified. But to God the past and future tense have no meaning. He is present in the past. He is present now. He is present in the future. This is mind blowing to me. I hope that one day I will fully comprehend it.

So the best way to describe it is that when a believer asked Christ into his heart. He both became holy in god's eyes (by barrowing or putting on Christ's holiness) and he began to become holy. The second example is often referred to as progressive sanctification. It means that in this life from the time that I ask Christ into my heart until the day I die I am moving toward holiness - my holiness. This is possible becasue once I accept Christ, for the first time in my life I am able not to sin. (Augustine showed that Adam was able to sin, fallen man is not able not to sin, Christians are able to not sin and one day we - as Christians - will not able to sin.)

So back to the verse today. God "has saved us and called us to a holy life." Often I have under emphasized the holy life part. My reason has been that one day I will be there. My holiness take will be totally full. It will not be in this life but in the life to come. No matter how empty my holiness tank is now, it will be filled up when I stand before Christ.

So why bother with holiness?

Because God calls us to a holy life. Not holiness. Not sactification. But a holy life. This life now. I am to live a life that is set apart for Him. A life that is honoring to him. A life that does not make people look at me and say "He's a Christian? Wow who knew."

This is my new motivation. And my prize when I live a holy life? I get to suffer for the Gospel.

That sounds OK to me.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Hello Monday. Why did you have to bring the extra gravity and throw water in my face to wake me?

Friday, February 05, 2010

Why is Blogging so Hard?

All I need to do is write a little something each day. How hard is that?

I think I make hard because for some reason I think I need to have something important to say before I write. That would be really cool but the internet is full of blogs of people just writing about common everyday stuff. So here I am writing something not very important about nothing just so I have a blog entry. It could be worse. I could just write about the weather.

BTW its a beautiful day outside. Sunny, somewhat warm and... uhhh... yeah.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mario for a New Generation

This is more fun then I thought it would be. It answers the question "What would Mario be like if he lived in the USSR?".

in reference to: thepeoplesmario.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) (view on Google Sidewiki)