
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

It has been a while so I guess I should post.

Life is real busy right now. We are going through a lot of changes at the church and my mom is battleing colon cancer and I' m trying to juggle my schedule in such a way that I have time to look for a full time ministry position.

I have decided that I need to simplfy my blogging. I have been approaching it like everything I write here needs to be profound or important. Truth is, that's not what blogging is about. It's supposded to be casual and just a snap shot of my life.

My solution to keep things low key is to remind myself that noone is going to read this stuff anyway. It doesn't matter if I am deep or funny or profound. It doesn't matter if I have good grammer or that I spell everything correctly. In fact I don't even need ot finish thoughts. I could be in the middle of a sentence and simply

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