
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cathy's Broken Ankle the Real Story.

I know that I said the official story was that Cathy broke her ankle in a bar fight. The truth is she got tangled up in and tripped over a chair. I realize that sounds kind of boring. We got that bar fight cover story idea from the radiologist at the hospital. It sounds very exciting but I fear that it may have hurt Cathy's reputation. I mean what kind of a person gets in a bar fight?

I remember as a kid every good TV show and movie had a bar fight because fighting was in and bar fights were cool. If I had said that Cathy broke her ankle in a a bar fight and this was the 60's or 7o's then everyone would have said "Of course she did. How else would a person break her ankle?"

Now-a-days (I have always wanted to say that) bar fights just aren't that common so the automatic response is. "Ewww! What kind of person would start a bar fight?" So I think that people may have gotten the wrong picture of Cathy. Therefore, I must report that she is not the kind of person that would hang out in bars either waiting for or starting bar fights. Sad to say she is the type that would simply get tangled in a chair and break her ankle in three places.

If you want to read the full account then check out Cathy's story. She tells it way better and includes all the gory details in her blog at

Other links of interest:
Underwater Bar Fight
Inn-Fighting Designer's Notes
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