
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A week of Immersion

Based on a challenge from Bill Hybels at the leadership summit I am going to try to immerse myself into a chapter. Rather than doing it for a full year (something that is insurmountable to me), I will try to do it every day for a week. Bill started with Romans 12. I figure if it was good enough for him it is good enough for me.

August 14, 2007

I read through the passage a couple times. I did not have my journal out so that I was unable to take detailed notes. My recollection is that I was struck by the fact that although it is monumental in topic (the church and spiritual gifts) it begins with a person leading a life that is a living sacrifice. The church is made up of living sacrifices. We are all worthy of death and needed a sacrifice but Jesus did that for us. So we are to remember that with our very lifes. The way we live is to reflect that redemptive act. So if we are doing that then everything about the structure of the church follows.

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