
Thursday, June 10, 2010

How about Moving on Now

OK so I admit that I have been in a rut lately. I can't tell you when the last time was that I looked at the future and felt positive. Probably when I was moving to Alaska.

But for the last several months I look ahead and sigh heavily. It drives Cathy crazy. I found this cool article on (Did I Make the Right Decision?, Christian Careers, Jobs, Employment) today and it really helped. In a way it just says "STOP WHINING" (which is always useful to hear) so maybe I should listen. I need to stop acting like God is going to give me a road map with my path marked in red for me. It just doesn't work that way.

To me the most important part of the article said:

Life is short for all of us, and if any of us had a chance to do it over again, we would probably make some decisions differently. I know I would. But that choice is not given to us. Too much introspection about the past makes us tentative about the future.

I like that. "Too much introspection about the past makes us tentative about the future."

Maybe that needs to be on my tombstone.

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