
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Life's short - Don't let it Mess with Your Head

Gary Coleman I ran into Arnold at the airport ...Image via Wikipedia

Gary Coleman in dead.

Seems kind of odd doesn't it? It feels like only yesterday that he was the star of Different Strokes. His death makes me feel old.

In fact every time someone famous dies I feel just a little older. Not to mention every time I see an actor get older I feel sad. I saw Joe Pesci in a movie the other day. The movie was made a couple years ago and Joe looked really old (balding, gray, wrinkled - the whole nine yards). That made me feel old. Seeing Harrison Ford as the old Indiana Jones or Sylvester Stalone as the ancient Rocky and ancient Rambo was really sad.

The truth is it makes me sad because it reminds me that I am not getting any younger myself. I want very much to live forever. My preference would be to be forever young. I know that it ain't going to happen. One day I will be old and decrepit like Sly then I will be dead like Coleman.

The important thing is to acknowledge these as natural feelings but to remember that my life does not end when I die. I know that death is the threshold into eternity. We will all one day be raised from death. For those who know and love Jesus and have accepted Him as their lord and savior we will arise to a life of joy in the presence of God. For the rest a life of sorrow and separation from God. So when I see someone like Gary Coleman die my concern should not be for myself but for them. My heart breaks to think that anyone would die apart from Christ.

I do not know if Gary knew Jesus. I know he had a hard life - we all do. I know he must have had opportunities to receive Gods gift through Jesus - we all do. I just don't know if he ever accepted the gift. So now I reflect on my own life and say I want to continue to offer this gift to everyone I know so that when they die I will not have to wonder where they will end up.

Who knows maybe one day I will have the privilege of leading Sly or Harrison into God's kingdom. Some one needs to why not me.

Life is short so I shouldn't let it go to my head. I should let it go to my heart and be vigilant about why I am here.

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